In my traveling toolbox, I have:
Stitch markers/progress keepers of several flavors and colors:
- round, closed markers suitable for keeping on your needles and slipping as you move along (both large and small, depending on the needle size being used)
- openable stitch markers, useful for adding/removing from your needles at any time
- progress keepers (can also use openable stitch markers), useful for keeping track of row progress or distance (if you need to knit 10 inches or 100 rows, you can mark 2 inch increments or every 20 rows for example)
Embroidery scissors
Retractable Measuring Tape for sewing (the flexible kind, not the metal kind you’d see in construction)
Tapestry needles of various sizes for weaving in ends, working duplicate stitch, or mending
Row counter (although typically I use progress keepers, as noted above)
Crochet hooks of varying size for provisional cast ons and picking up dropped stitches
Cable needles of my preferred type
Stitch Stoppers – my go-to are from Jelby
Small scale (100g) for weighing yarn. This is useful for weighing skeins to determine how much yarn you have left or for weighing gauge swatches to determine if you have enough yarn for a project
A random assortment of lengthy leftover yarn bits for provisional cast ons or holding stitches
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